Franklin the Sheep needs money to escape from the farm, where he has been tormented for years. Deciding that he has had enough, he raids his owner's snail farm because snails drop coins and stuff. In fact he needs to kill as many snails and collect as much loot as possible to to fund his escape. 

Franklin is followed up by Franklin 2.

Controls: WASD


1.0 (Januray 19, 2020)- Launch day build

2.0 (February 29, 2020)- Expansion with new mode and a lot of bug fixes

All art and music developed by Black Frog Studios. This game was created in less than 24 hours for a game jam contest (Wowie Gam Jam 2.0). The contest's theme was to create intentional bugs.


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I got 13 points PogChamp

(2 edits)

Wait...are you Gembit? THE GEMBIT?? I am a big fan of your Bullet Looper game (not so much the others), so it is truly an honor that you played my game and broke my high score.

It's kind of hard to grasp what's going on, I suppose by modifying the color scheme, shape and size of particles and elements, adding a health bar and some sound effects (shooting, jumping, etc.), it would be a pretty decent game. I suggest the WASD control 'bug' was a little bit too much, however I liked the hidden obstacles, it may also work with normal controls and hidden obstacles (maybe with additional ones, like one that switch the WASD control to SDWA, another to increase or decrease health, ammo, etc. - hidden or not). Hope my comment is constructive all in all.

Thank you for the criticism! It was definitely constructive.

I can't even see my score :( this game has all the makings for you to be a great dev one day! I feel it, just keep making games my guy keep on keepin on :D

(1 edit)

Thanks. The score should be in the center of the screen but slightly to the left. It goes up every time you get a coin.

Good Game Really Liked It, Keep up The Good Work

Deleted 5 years ago

I got 11

mine is 6

ez 55 (i totally didn't make an account just to say this lol)



tell me your high scores